Monday, October 25, 2010

Novembr and January

Our next meeting is Monday, November 29th, when we will read Italo Calvino's If on a Winter's Night a Traveler. It already appears to be a controversial book, so NOT TO BE MISSED! See you at Mary's place to discuss it. Here's a description I found:

"Calvino's masterpiece opens with a scene that's reassuringly commonplace: apparently. Indeed, it's taking place now. A reader goes into a bookshop to buy a book: not any book, but the latest Calvino, the book you are holding in your hands. Or is it? Are you the reader? Is this the book? Beware. All assumptions are dangerous on this most bewitching switch-back ride to the heart of storytelling. "

Also, just so you can be prepared, our January book is John Irving's Last Night in Twisted River.

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