Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on YouTube

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's website: The AHA Foundation works to reinforce the following basic rights: the rights of women and girls to security and control of their own bodies, the rights of women and girls to an education, the rights of women to work outside the home and to control their own income, the rights of women and girls to freedom of expression and association, and the rights of women and girls to other basic civil rights of citizens and residents defined under the laws of Western democracies and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, regardless of sexual identification. 

Ayaan on the veil (3 min)

Ayaan on Bill Moyer (7.5 min)

Ayaan on the political situation in Somalia (5 min)

Ayaan on losing her religion (5+ min)

Ayaan on Islam in Europe (9 min)

Hirsi Ali & Van Gogh's "Submission"

Click here to watch Submission in English.

Part two is here.

May book club selection: Ayaan Hirsi Ali

This month's selection is Infidel, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. If you can't get a copy, then read her latest book, Nomad.